voiceover business

Staying Connected


You network. You audition. You gain clients. You create strategic relationships. All of these efforts are crucial to being successful in any field and yet are particularly important in the voice over industry. Staying connected can be a challenge, however, and the holiday season is an opportune time to reconnect. Consider sending Happy Thanksgiving cards to [...]

Staying Connected2009-11-24T09:06:19-06:00

Bringing Your A-Game


You are your business.  No you, no business.  So it makes perfect sense that taking care of you must be a top priority.  Yet amidst the to do lists, the daily challenges of running a business, putting out fires, auditioning, recording spots, and a sundry of life’s little curve balls thrown our way, it’s easy to [...]

Bringing Your A-Game2009-11-03T11:48:14-06:00
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