voice over training

Procrastination is Poison


How many times a month do we hear ourselves utter the phrase, "I'll get to it tomorrow". I've been guilty of it. We all have. What we do about it? Take action! Action is the cure for the poison of procrastination. Even the slightest bit of action seems to scare procrastination away. As a voice actor, [...]

Procrastination is Poison2009-08-28T08:27:35-06:00

Can You Deal With The Stress?


Starting a business is one of the most stressful things you can do. It will affect you mentally, physically and emotionally. You need to be strong to deal with this kind of stress, and you need to have someone to turn to for support. Are You a Survivor? There are some people who always seem to [...]

Can You Deal With The Stress?2009-08-23T10:03:05-06:00

How Can Improv Classes Help Voice Over Talents?


The definition of Improv, short for improvisation, is a form in which one does not use a script or predetermined ideas for dialog, direction, or movement. By using improvisation in your training as a voice over talent, you are allowing your natural creativity to expand. Improv helps you to be true to yourself and be more [...]

How Can Improv Classes Help Voice Over Talents?2009-08-19T08:06:29-06:00

Getting Voice Over Work Through Social Networking


Who knows you? The answer to that question is priceless! In business, as in life, it is not so much who you know, but who knows you! Your success depends upon it. Harnessing the power of Social Media Marketing can propel your business and personal exposure to enviable levels, providing a medium with which to engage [...]

Getting Voice Over Work Through Social Networking2009-08-13T20:31:05-06:00

Do’s & Don’ts of Podcasting


Podcasting for online business is essential for success and allows you to develop a more personable relationship with your customer. Though traditional advertising owns a very respectable place in the media world, podcasting permits your customer to get an idea about the face, voice and life of your product or service. Additionally, when the podcast is [...]

Do’s & Don’ts of Podcasting2009-08-13T07:59:33-06:00

Voice Over Warm-Ups


Using tongue twisters as a vocal warm-up exercise is an absolute must for anyone who uses their voice professionally.

Voice Over Warm-Ups2009-08-11T09:34:06-06:00

So, What The Heck is Telephony?


So, what the heck is Telephony? Who better to explain this, than telephony expert and good friend, Liz De Nesnera! When you’re a voice talent, as you progress in your chosen profession, you will probably find yourself doing more of one type of work than another: Commercials Narrations, Promos ….and for those of us that choose [...]

So, What The Heck is Telephony?2009-08-09T18:32:58-06:00

The Different Types Of Voice Over Work


Here are some of the different types of opportunities available to voice talent today. Commercial: Contrary to popular belief this form of voice over is mostly for voice actors as it generally requires playing a role of a character. Playing a character does not always mean a funny voice it more often than not means playing [...]

The Different Types Of Voice Over Work2009-08-07T16:48:20-06:00
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