voice over business

Surround Yourself With The Extraordinary


When you surround yourself with inspiring and uplifting people, amazing things will happen. It makes such a difference to have people in your life who support & encourage you. It can make the difference of a successful, fulfilling life or having an average, uninspiring life. Life is so short...don’t we all want to feel inspired?! When [...]

Surround Yourself With The Extraordinary2011-02-06T10:29:56-06:00

Find Your Why and Find Your Will


What is your “why”?  You need to know or your resolve will be weak at best.  Your “why” is your reason, your motivation for making one more phone call, doing one more audition, doing one more take… even when you don’t feel like it, especially when you don’t feel like it.  Your “why” will likely be [...]

Find Your Why and Find Your Will2010-01-07T09:24:48-06:00

Removing the Risk!


Risk is inherent in progress and growth and is an integral component of doing business.  Companies take risks, calculated risks, investing considerable time and money developing the products and services they offer and bringing them to the market.  As voice talents, we are sometimes part of the product (narration, animation, video games), part of the service [...]

Removing the Risk!2009-11-11T10:55:20-06:00

Getting it Right


Management guru Peter Drucker says, “Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.”  Efficiency and effectiveness are paramount to voice over talents and both are dependent upon daily habits. You know, those little things that can make us or break us? Here are some success habits that I came up with that I [...]

Getting it Right2009-10-20T12:56:18-06:00

The Value Of The Extra Mile


The extra mile is a mark of excellence!  It discloses your level of dedication, your determination to earn repeat business, and your willingness to do whatever it takes to do it right.  It’s a powerful habit and a point of competitive advantage.  It’s the difference between waiting to hear back on the audition to see if [...]

The Value Of The Extra Mile2009-10-07T10:04:06-06:00

When Business Gets Slow, Are You Covered?


What’s your game plan when business gets slow? Are you COVERED? Compensation is the direct result of habits and stimulating it requires fostering the specific habits of Organization, Vacation, Evaluation, Relation, Education, and Dedication. Organization is an ongoing task that is often overlooked until we are completely overwhelmed and forced to deal with the ramifications of [...]

When Business Gets Slow, Are You Covered?2009-09-23T21:38:45-06:00

If The Mic Isn’t Rockin’, Start Walkin’


When the mic is rockin’, don’t bother knockin’!  Okay, so what do you do if it’s just not rockin’ and you’re having a tough time getting it to come out right?  Instead of getting frustrated and stressed out, take a break and come back to it. That’s right!  Go for a walk, turn up some music, [...]

If The Mic Isn’t Rockin’, Start Walkin’2009-09-07T09:10:19-06:00

Procrastination is Poison


How many times a month do we hear ourselves utter the phrase, "I'll get to it tomorrow". I've been guilty of it. We all have. What we do about it? Take action! Action is the cure for the poison of procrastination. Even the slightest bit of action seems to scare procrastination away. As a voice actor, [...]

Procrastination is Poison2009-08-28T08:27:35-06:00

Can You Deal With The Stress?


Starting a business is one of the most stressful things you can do. It will affect you mentally, physically and emotionally. You need to be strong to deal with this kind of stress, and you need to have someone to turn to for support. Are You a Survivor? There are some people who always seem to [...]

Can You Deal With The Stress?2009-08-23T10:03:05-06:00

Having the Right Business Mindset


When building the right business infrastructure, you must think strategically or have the right business mindset. Every business decision you make today affects your voice over business today, tomorrow, and in the future - so become a good strategist. A good strategist looks at all facets of their voice over business today in context of where [...]

Having the Right Business Mindset2009-08-03T21:33:28-06:00
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