voice over business

Practicing To Become Excellent


Whether you're a professional voice actor, or someone who is just breaking in to this wacky business, it's important to develop and maintain your performing skills. You've no doubt heard stories about concert pianists who practice 8 hours a day - every day - in order to stay in top form. As voice-over artists, we need [...]

Practicing To Become Excellent2009-08-03T21:14:13-06:00

Am I Ready for the Voice Over Business?


These days, it seems as though everyone wants to start their own business. Seems easy enough doesn't it? Come up with a good idea, and the dollars roll right in! …Or do they? Most people understand that running a business requires business know-how, but most successful business owners also possess some additional skills and qualities that [...]

Am I Ready for the Voice Over Business?2009-07-26T19:03:12-06:00
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