“How To Read A Script And Deliver A Flawless Take – Every Time!”
How to master the art of script interpretation and delivery »
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How to master the art of script interpretation and delivery »
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In script delivery 1 and 2 I would have liked to hear more examples. For instance: instead of just saying sound natural not like you are reading. Give us an example of what you mean. How would you sound reading and how you should sound.
Great feedback, Bruce! We will definitely be adding more bonus modules with content based on your request. :-)
Terry Daniel
Thanks Terry. Because that’s what I realy need.
If you have ever heard an automated customer support or someone reading a status report, it really sounds different than if they were talking to a fried describing an incident they had. The unatural sound of reading a script is very monotone. No change in tone or pitch or volume. Just one dreary stream of words. When you speak naturally to a friend or family member, words have highs and lows based on excitement, sadness or sarcasm.
You’ll recognize it from now on.
Although I had done countless commercials for local radio stations back in the 1980’s, I found module 1 to be a great “refresher” course. I am looking forward to modules 3 and 4. I have absolutely NO clue about auditioning and marketing myself. Those modules will be very helpful.
Love the modules, and looking forward to coaching from Terry!
Thanks for the speed reading tools and the online teleprompter.
Our pleasure, Gene! Thank you for being a member! :-)
The easy prompter is awesome application!
Thank you for sharing real information that we can use out here in the trenches…
Hello, this module was very enlightening and really educational. If you did not take notes than your surely missing out on the training. Without this module you really would be lost in starting this career off with confidence. Be creative with notes follow along try to do what the professionals are doing and best of repeat the process while you’ll learning now. You’ve got notes in a journal I hope. You will need to peak back at your notes on the this one. Practice the daily exercises mentioned. If you can’t read that fast well, now you will know how to. If you don’t understand any of this training you might consider building up more confidence and than repeat it until you’ve mastered it. Thanks.
I was extremely skeptical about this site as usual. But at this price I just signed up. I figured worst case im stuck $30.00 for a month….
I am only in the middle of module 1 and I am loving this.
I am amazed that this is so good :) I pay so much more $$$$$ for classes that really do so much less. I have to drive into LA, deal with traffic and parking…
For a 3-4 hour class full of distractions, input and noise from actors vs the coach.
I believe I will learn so much more here in just module 1..
Cant wait to learn more.
Thank you Terry
Hey Terry,
Have you used the audio postcard as a marketing tool? I am considering sending them out as an intro to my website…just wondering if you had done it and what the feedback was.
Hi Charles,
Yes, I use them all the time for audio newsletters and updates. Very effective! :-)
Thanks Terry for that Great example of what a real , natural read of copy sounds like. Nice! Erik Bolstan
When could I receive vo consult? Love the program…am I moving too slowly…still reading & listening to module 1…Thank you Cameron
Hi Cameron!
I personally email everyone who signs up for a personal consultation with me. Please check your junkmail folder for my email (as I have emailed you twice) and let me know when you are ready. :-)
Hi Terry,
I am completely new to voice over and I was going back and forth between paying over $4,000 for training and this. I took the gamble as you can see and so far so good, still on module 1 but I am also listening to the teleseminars that you have listed. Thanks for the information you have listed here, its so hard to find anything online without paying a hefty fine.
We’re happy to have you, Alisha! Enjoy the rest of the training modules.
Very good instruction, Terry.It allows me to practice, practice,practice until I become almost as good as you(lol).
Hi Terry,
im glad to be a member and im enjoying the modules im still listening to the first one but ill be glad to trained the right way and not the wrong way im so happy to be here on voice over club without having to pay expensive mney on training
Good Afternoon
I have a mac desk top and would like to acquire the equipment I need to be able to start recording some practice voice overs any suggestions are appreciated.
thank you steve
LOVE this website. You guys are just great. Thank you for all that you do. I would love to see more on accents – in particular the typical problems with the Southern accent. I do a pretty good job of working around mine, but anything you have to say on the subject would be very helpful. I could always do better.
Thanks for the opportunity to learn more about the voice over industry!
Looking forward to learning more in the coming weeks.
Ann Ayres
Thanks Ann! We’re delighted you’re here!
I loved Module 1, can’t wait for your evaluation feedback!! On to Module 2!!!
Hi, Terry. I used to be a radio personality years ago before the days of automation and syndication. I’ve tried getting into voice over work since I wasn’t able to break back into the radio business. I’ve been with Voices.com for a couple of years, and I’ve submitted over 200 auditions but no offers. I could use some guidance on what I need to have better success.
I’ve been delinguent in following and studying the modules,but I’m commited to getting back in the groove starting this week.I would like to do another evaluation with you.I have been attending meetups in my area ,Betty Zoeller and Bill Brooks are two of the organizers.Musch of the self paced training,modules and blogs I have viewed and read thru Voice Over Club has helped me in following discussions and I believe script workouts in the classes and meetups.More modules like module one would be great.Understanding and script interpretation.I attempt to catch your telenars but on Saturdays I have to work,but replays and recordings are always appreciated.Thank you Steve Latham
I have just opened your website and from the onset, it is the place to be for Voice over Training.Continue with the good work
I’ve been searching for a reputable website where the owner was interested more in helping, assisting and empowering new and experienced voiceover artists than in taking their money and running. I’ve found my site! Voiceoverclub.com . Thank you Terry for your expert information.
Terry, are you Karl the alma? Spell check won’t let me spell Lama. Ah, there. So..are you? Thank you Kathy.