You Absolutely Must Have A Professionally Made Voice-Over-Demo If You Want To Get Real, PAYING Voice Over Gigs!

Before you send your demo anywhere (or to anyone) – here are some very important tips, you need to know if you ever want to get hired!

VOC Professional Demo

Tip #1: Make sure your demo is professionally recorded in a quality recording studio with a high-quality microphone and amplifier.

Tip #2: For best results, rely on a voice over producer to help you achieve your best performance. This is the norm for nearly every recording artist in the world, and YOU are no exception! A good voice over producer will help to keep you from “putting your foot in your mouth” when you record. ;-)

Tip #3: Be sure to include several different types of reads in your demo. For a “narration demo”, include eLearning, documentary and other instructional reads. For your “commercial demo”, include different styles of commercial reads – including folksy, energetic, conversational or any other styles you want to showcase.

Tip #4: NEVER submit a boring demo – this is the “Kiss of Death” if someone hears it – and will almost ensure your demo goes right into the trash. Instead, have it professionally edited with fast-cuts to new examples, complete with audio-sweetening beds for maximum effect.

Tip #5: Only submit your demo in the format that is requested by an agent or potential client. Some people still prefer a CD while others are fine with Mp3s. NEVER, under any circumstances, send and unsolicited email with audio files attached. This will only get you blacklisted!

Your voice over demo can Make-or-Break your voice over career, and you only get ONE chance to make a first impression – so be sure to put your best foot forward!

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Listen to this example of just a few of the many great demos we’ve helped other voice over actors to create!

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